How an audio mix strategy can provide an uplift in brand awareness
Objective: To raise awareness among entrepreneurs and business decision-makers.
Solution: Podcast advertising within the FD Mediagroep network.

How do you get the most out of audio advertising?
Are you curious about the effectiveness of audio advertising and how you can use it for your brand? Over the past two years, FD Mediagroep, together with leading research partners, has conducted extensive research on the impact of audio advertising on channels such as Livestream, Radio, and Podcasts. This has resulted in valuable insights that we have summarized in our latest whitepaper.

First-party Audiences
GroupM was the first media agency to test actively with personalised FD first-party audiences. This pilot was set up with two objectives: a technical test of this targeting method and comparing the ROI for the FD target audience against the Louwman programmatic display benchmark, which covers all campaigns via the display market.