
DenkProducties combines deployment of FD with BNR Nieuwsradio

Aim: Growing traffic to the site and conversion in the form of registration for the best and most educational one-day – digital – seminars.

Solution: Use of spot campaigns on the radio combined with print inserts in the FD.

DenkProducties combines deployment of FD with BNR Nieuwsradio


DenkProducties was established over 15 years ago and offers one-day seminars that stand out in terms of both form and content. A leading principle in all activities is that educating people must be a positive experience. The media campaigns’ primary objective is to improve awareness of the seminars within the target audience and translate that to conversion.

In addition to potential seminar participants, HR managers are among the company’s main target audiences in part because they are decision-makers with regard to employee training budgets. The campaigns aim to market the specific product (one specific seminar at a time in the case of DenkProducties) and not to market the brand.


DenkProducties on the partnership:

In the collaboration with FD Mediagroep, Den Besten discovered a formula that has proven immensely successful in reaching their target group. ‘We deliberately opt for an insert in Het Financieele Dagblad as part of every campaign. The inserts are eye-catchers, and readers save them. As a result, we believe they are more effective than regular ads.’ In addition to leveraging the FD, DenkProducties uses a spot campaign on BNR Nieuwsradio as part of every campaign.

The campaign lead time is approx. two weeks each time, with five or six pots broadcast on BNR daily. DenkProducties also deploys corporate mailings and speakers post updates on a range of social media accounts. DenkProducties structures its campaigns to deploy the conversion actions directly after the radio spots: starting with two weeks of spots, followed by inserts in the FD and targeted actions by the company itself.

From physical gatherings to free webinars
DenkProducties was forced to call on its creativity due to measures put in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All physical gatherings were cancelled and DenkProducties currently organises webinars. Ben Tiggelaar, expert in leadership and change, is donating his time and knowledge to the project. These free webinars result in lots of new email addresses and a welcome expansion of the DenkProducties database.

In this period, DenkProducties also collaborated with BNR’s Big Five, the show that puts top experts in specific industries or files in the spotlight every week. Towards the end of March 2020, the original ‘Leadership’ theme was quickly transformed to ‘Leadership in Times of Crisis’.


DenkProducties discerns a number of positive effects of media deployment via FD Mediagroep. According to Den Besten, ‘We also use other resources, but in the two weeks in which the campaign runs on the FD and BNR Nieuwsradio, we see the number of website visitors double.’

Tessa den Besten Marketing


‘We prefer to work with media brands with which you are already in a functional mindset. BNR Nieuwsradio is a good example. BNR’s listeners often listen to programmes that relate to their work or to learn more about specific topics. If our campaign runs on the FD and BNR Nieuwsradio, we see our site visits double. Even more so, our analytics show that media deployment via FD Mediagroep played a part in 25% of all conversion.’

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