The power of sponsoring a BNR Original Podcast


Link your brand to a successful journalistic BNR podcast and reach a dedicated community of listeners. Being a sponsor means that you are tied to the authority of BNR and to the host of the podcast for a specific period.


BNR Original Podcasts have an existing community of listeners within a specific niche. These so-called ‘habit’ podcasts often have a permanent place in the listeners’ lives. They listen with their full attention and switch on to every new episode.


With the additional campaign, you’ll reach our total target group. Maximum effect.

Are you curious to find out what we can do?

Let’s get to work!
Tell us about your objectives, so we can team up to determine what options FD Mediagroep has to offer for your campaign. You will always receive a personalised offer. Are you curious to find out what we can do for each other? Please fill out the form.

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Scores of which we are proud

100% Increase in podcast downloads

compared to last year (5 million downloads p/m)

5,000,000 Podcast downloads p/m

+150% compared to the previous year

243 B2B selectivity digital

The most targeted reach in B2B

60 Number of BNR Brand Stories

Made for brands in 2020

Unilever: podcast series ‘Voeding van Morgen’

Unilever: podcast series ‘Voeding van Morgen’

Aim: Thought leadership, claiming expertise in food & sustainability.

Solution: Sponsorship of the (BNR Original) podcast series Voeding van Morgen (’Tomorrow’s Food’)