• 9 Mar 2022

FD Mediagroep and Brand Metrics offer advertisers unique insight into audio campaign impact

FD Mediagroep has entered into a partnership with the international survey agency Brand Metrics. The partners aim to offer insight into the impact of deploying audio advertising for podcast as well as livestream and linear.

FD Mediagroep and Brand Metrics offer advertisers unique insight into audio campaign impact

Brand Metrics is a Swedish survey agency that measures the brand effectiveness of online campaigns in more than ten countries. A unique feature of the partnership with FD Mediagroep is that this is the first time that campaign impact research for the audio media type is marketed in a standardised form. It offers advertisers insight into the impact of radio, podcast, and livestream campaigns on the BNR target group.

FD Mediagroep has been an innovative leader in the Dutch audio landscape for years now, for radio as well as Digital Audio media like podcasts, in which BNR Nieuwsradio is one of the pioneers in the Netherlands. With the growth of Digital Audio, our advertisers have expressed a growing desire to gain insight into the impact of their media deployment. The partnership with Brand Metrics means that FD Mediagroep will be the first media party to offer insight into the value added to an advertiser’s brand KPI after a (digital) audio campaign. And we are very proud of that.

Job van Wagensveld CCO at FD Mediagroep

More valuable data for advertisers and media agencies

The results offer advertisers and media agencies deep insight into their advertising efforts, more than just GRPs, impressions delivered, and downloads. It yields clear data-based insight into the total brand lift of a campaign, looking at brand awareness, consideration, preference, and intent to buy, and the contribution of each individual audio component in the campaign for podcast, livestream and linear.

The Brand Metrics survey

The survey is standardised and conducted among visitors of the BNR platform, allowing us to provide quick insight into the results for a niche target audience in a scalable and cost-efficient manner.

For us it’s very exciting to get deeper into the world of audio and to provide campaign effectiveness data across podcast, livestream, and traditional radio – and to be doing this using our scaled algorithmic approach. The BNR team knows how to provide value for business advertisers, and we believe our partnership will further strengthen this capacity.

Anders Lithner CEO Brand Metrics

First data and learnings from Digital Audio campaign impact very useful

In the fourth quarter of last year, several campaigns in the FD Mediagroep network were studied. After adding media deployment via Digital Audio, the surveys so far have shown a significant movement in the uplift of brand KPIs. The results, learnings, and resulting advice are discussed with the advertisers and media agencies involved.
In 2022, FD Mediagroep will offer regular insights from the increasing database of surveyed Digital Audio campaigns.

For more information about the survey, please contact: Jacomien van Doorn, Manager Digital Advertising at jacomien.van.doorn@fdmediagroep.nl