• 29 Sep 2022

New Decision Makers Survey publication improves understanding of decision-makers in the Netherlands

The 2022 Decision Makers Survey (DMS) was published today. The DMS has been the leading survey among decision-makers in the Netherlands since 1982. Stichting NOM has been responsible for the survey since 2021, making the DMS an integrated component of the new NMO cross-media survey.

New Decision Makers Survey publication improves understanding of decision-makers in the Netherlands

Decision-makers in The Netherlands

The surveyed population includes decision-makers working in companies with at least two employees in all industries. In the Netherlands, this means 605,000 CEOs, financial directors and executives responsible for purchasing, sales, marketing, HR, and automation. A total of 2,758 decision-makers have been surveyed for the 2022 DMS publication.

Insights Decision Makers Survey 2022

Some insights from the 2022 DMS:

  • 71% of Dutch decision-makers are men, 29% are women.
  • 75% is 35 to 65 years old.
  • More than 40% has a gross household income of twice the median (€73,000) or higher.
  • Over 50% of all decision-makers live in North Holland, South Holland, or North Brabant.
  • With nearly 28%, financial/business/other services are the biggest sector in the survey.
  • Decision-makers work long hours: 64% state that they work more than 40 hours per week.
  • 75% of all decision-makers are leaders; 12% manage a workforce of more than 20 people.

Background characteristics and decision mandates of decision-makers are mapped for the survey. They are also asked about their work-related use of media, varying from printed media to websites, and from radio to e-papers.

Both the FD and BNR Nieuwsradio do well among decision-makers

Both the FD and BNR Nieuwsradio do well among decision-makers. On average, the FD brand reaches 25.6% of this target audience (i.e. 155,000 decision-makers) on a monthly basis. BNR Nieuwsradio does equally well with 25.2% (or 153,000 decision-makers).

Arjan Bontje B2B marketing analist