• 11 May 2020

The FD still most selective in AB1 target audience

The latest NOM Print Monitor figures show that Het Financieele Dagblad is still the most selective Dutch national daily newspaper for a number of important target audiences. The FD is most selective in the target audiences AB1, B2B, and in the category men and women aged 25–54.

The FD still most selective in AB1 target audience

Target audience AB1

With an index of 156, the FD is the most selective Dutch daily newspaper in the social class AB1. The social class AB1 consists of a combination of the two highest social classes and is still a commonly used target audience in the world of media. The AB1 target audience is defined by a combination of profession and highest completed education of the main wage earner.

Target audience B2B

The FD is the most selective national newspaper in the target audience B2B, as is shown by a selectivity index of 381. The B2B target audience is an important one to the FD. The FD content attracts readers with a (professional) interest in topics like business, growth, economics, start-ups, and innovation. The extremely high B2B selectivity demonstrates that the domains chosen by the FD’s editorial team are a good fit with the wishes and requirements of this target audience.

Young daily newspaper readers

FD readers are ambitious people who focus on their career. They are the decision-makers of today and tomorrow. The new NOM Print Monitor figures show that once again, the FD has the youngest readers of all Dutch national daily newspapers. Remarkably, the difference compared to other national titles is growing. The FD has an above-average ability to reach this target audience, which is expressed in the high selectivity index of 115. As such, the FD is the only national daily newspaper selective in the target audience of MF 25-54 year.

Source: NOM Print Monitor 2020-I


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