Brainnet improves brand awareness through BNR sponsorship
Aim: Increasing brand awareness and market share of the only independent contingent workforce management expert in the Netherlands.
Solution: Sponsoring Werkverkenners, a weekly BNR show. Preceded by a spot campaign on radio and in print.

Brainnet helps organisations search for, find and select interim professionals, sets up hiring processes, and manages the contracts. Every day, over 9,000 professionals go to work at Brainnet’s customers. Brainnet offers its customers expertise, capacity, and vision to handle all of the hassle associated with the hiring process. The company positions itself as the leading hiring expert in the Netherlands.
Brainnet has been sponsoring the BNR show Werkverkenners since 2017. Rens de Jong, the show’s host, searches for answers to important questions about employment on a weekly basis. Questions such as: When are you too old for an employer? What is the ideal number of working hours in a week? The show discusses all work-related trends. Experts appear as guests in the studio and provocative statements alternate with sophisticated reports. It is a format covering the full width of the HR market for the self-employed, employees, employers and customers, making Werkverkenners a unique proposition.
Brainnet on the partnership:
Brainnet was not a small player four years ago, but it was relatively unknown. Our main objective in sponsoring a weekly radio show on BNR Nieuwsradio was to improve our prompted brand awareness. And eventually to increase our market share. ‘Brainnet always communicates across the axis of the content. We want to be relevant to our target audience, which consists of corporate HR and Procurement departments. The power of FD Mediagroep’s journalistic content and high reach among decision-makers make it a suitable partner for Brainnet, which is why we entered into this partnership,’ explains Anne Meint.
Sponsoring Werkverkenners is an important link in Brainnet’s chain of marketing activities. ‘Following the radio broadcast, we distribute the content through our range of online channels. In addition, we have been partners in the Zipconomy platform for eight years now. And we organised a great event in partnership with HR Horizon in 2019 to meet our target audience at the more personal level. BNR Zakendoen created a live radio show at the event. We try to connect with our target audience both online and offline. We always use relevant content, so we are always searching for new ways to achieve this. In 2018 for instance, just before the new Dutch GDPR Act took effect, we organised the “National Debate on Privacy and the Employment Market” in collaboration with BNR. At the time, it was a highly relevant theme for the employment market and we both used that to our advantage.’
Sponsoring is a custom job, not one size fits all
‘We like working with FD Mediagroep. Communication lines are short, and there is interaction. What I mean to say is that you do it together. FD Mediagroep is an agile organisation open to innovation. Last year, I wondered whether the show still featured strong content – you need to make sure things don’t become habitualised. FD Mediagroep is open to this kind of feedback. Together, we sharpened up the content and shifted accents. Sponsoring is a custom job, not one size fits all.’

Improved prompted brand awareness
‘In the second year of Werkverkenners, DVJ Insights conducted a sponsor impact survey, which showed that among other things, our prompted brand awareness was growing. It’s great to have research confirm that what you are doing has the hoped-for effect. This long-term partnership has really yielded something beautiful, and that’s something to be proud of.’
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